It moves towards bio-based energy and takes part in climate action, contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on which BeGas is already working.
This fuel is a liquefied gas with a lower price than gasoline or diesel, saving up to 50% in fuel; it allows a range of up to 600 km, in addition to that of your gasoline tank; and it is much more environmentally friendly thanks to its low polluting emissions, offering greater advantages for circulation, such as the ECO-DGT label (green and blue).
It moves towards bio-based energy and takes part in climate action, contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on which BeGas is already working.
This fuel is a liquefied gas with a lower price than gasoline or diesel, saving up to 50% in fuel; it allows a range of up to 600 km, in addition to that of your gasoline tank; and it is much more environmentally friendly thanks to its low polluting emissions, offering greater advantages for circulation, such as the ECO-DGT label (green and blue).
This fuel is a liquefied gas with a lower price than gasoline or diesel, saving up to 50% in fuel; it allows a range of up to 600 km, in addition to that of your gasoline tank; and it is much more environmentally friendly thanks to its low polluting emissions, offering greater advantages for circulation, such as the ECO-DGT label (green and blue).
It moves towards bio-based energy and takes part in climate action, contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on which BeGas is already working.
This fuel is a liquefied gas with a lower price than gasoline or diesel, saving up to 50% in fuel; it allows a range of up to 600 km, in addition to that of your gasoline tank; and it is much more environmentally friendly thanks to its low polluting emissions, offering greater advantages for circulation, such as the ECO-DGT label (green and blue).
Up to 40 % compared to conventional fuels
taking into account price and consumption
Emits 90% less particulates and NOx than traditional fuels
Minimizes engine odors, fumes and vibrations and reduces noise levels by 50%
Distinction with ECO label for its low pollutant emissions
Up to 40 % compared to conventional fuels
taking into account price and consumption
Emits 90% less particulates and NOx than traditional fuels
Minimizes engine odors, fumes and vibrations and reduces noise levels by 50%
Distinction with ECO label for its low pollutant emissions
Join the most sustainable alternative. With BioAutogas, you will actively contribute to the energy transition and decarbonization of your fleet.
SAME COMPOSITION AND PERFORMANCE AS AUTOGAS: It can be used, supplied and stored in the same way and even in the same tank.
100% RENEWABLE: Fuel made from waste, residues and oils of sustainable origin.
NET 0: The carbon footprint of BioAutogas is practically neutral.
CO2 REDUCTION: Up to 3 tons of CO2 less for each ton of BioAutogas consumed.
Join the most sustainable alternative. With BioAutogas, you will actively contribute to the energy transition and decarbonization of your fleet.
SAME COMPOSITION AND PERFORMANCE AS AUTOGAS: It can be used, supplied and stored in the same way and even in the same tank.
100% RENEWABLE: Fuel made from waste, residues and oils of sustainable origin.
NET 0: The carbon footprint of BioAutogas is practically neutral.
CO2 REDUCTION: Up to 3 tons of CO2 less for each ton of BioAutogas consumed.
Affirmative! The DGT classifies Bio-LPG vehicles as ECO due to the reduction of emissions compared to other fuels.
Bio-LPG is a 100% renewable fuel made from waste, residues and oils of sustainable origin. The carbon footprint of BioAutogas is practically neutral and allows a reduction of 3 tons of CO2 for each ton of Bio-LPG consumed.
No! Bio-LPG has the lowest flammability range in relation to other fuels, in case of leakage, it does not accumulate or puddle, but vaporizes and dissipates into the air.
Bio-LPG tanks are 20 times more resistant and withstand much more pressure than gasoline tanks, it is non-toxic and non-corrosive and, being a gas, it does not spill or leave residues.
Refueling Bio-LPG is as easy and safe as refueling gasoline or diesel. Bio-LPG meets the same quality and safety standards as all other fuels, which have been carried out by experts from the European Union and national governments.
The DGT classifies vehicles using Bio-LPG with the ECO-DGT label for their low pollutant emissions.
Of course!
There is no increase in weight or loss of space, the tank used in the Bio-LPG vehicle is the same as the Autogas one.
No, the tanks to be checked are those that use CNG.
No! The driving is the same.
Yes, all pumps are the same, you could travel without any problem. By regulation the filling nozzle has to be standard.
No, it does not affect the life of the engine due to the Bio-LPG molecule. The gas does not have particles, which are the ones that cause carbon deposits, with the consequent degradation of the engine and loss of power.
BeGas recibe ayudas públicas para el ensamblaje de sus motores
BeGas Fabrika ha sido beneficiario de una ayuda total de 487.926,44 € en formato subvención y anticipo reintegrable para el diseño y desarrollo de una
BeGas participa en el desarrollo de un H2 ICE para su uso como unidad de potencia auxiliar
BeGas participa en el desarrollo de un motor de combustión de hidrógeno H2 ICE para ser usado como unidad de potencia auxiliar. El objetivo del
BeGas participa en el desarrollo de un H2 ICE destinado al vehículo pesado: BeH2
BeGas participa en el desarrollo de un motor de combustión de hidrógeno H2 ICE para ser usado como unidad de potencia en vehículos pesados. En
BeGas y Revenant sellan un acuerdo comercial para la remanufactura de 2.000 máquinas para puertos con motores de BioAutogás
BeGas, líder europeo en la fabricación y desarrollo de motores propulsados por energías alternativas, y Revenant, empresa pionera en la remanufactura de maquinaria de manutención