Política de Calidad y Medio Ambiente



BEGAS MOTOR, S.L. and BEGAS FABRIKA S.L.BEGAS MOTOR, S.L. and BEGAS FABRIKA S.L., hereinafter Begas, have as the main objective to provide their customers with specific engines for the use of alternative fuel, such as AutoGas/LPG and thus be able to offer solutions to an actual problem that is growing every day in cities and other places with high traffic of heavy vehicles. In addition, these engines are controlled by an electronic control unit designed by us, developed specifically for LPG, optimizing all combustion processes and improving the efficiency of these engines. Among its objectives are to be able to offer kits for transforming light vehicles to run on LPG through liquid injection systems and to be able to perform dualizations with this fuel to convert diesel-powered vehicles. Therefore, BEGAS demonstrates that its objectives as an organization ensure compromiso de la protección del medio ambientethe commitment to environmental protection through the conviction that:
  • Quality and Pollution Prevention are key factors for the survival of the company and must be assumed, with responsibility, by all its components, starting with the Management.
  • At Begas, Quality and the preservation of the Environment will always be the object of environmental performance improvement.Mistakes will be employed to take advantage and every effort will be made to locate the causes that led to them so that they are not repeated.
For BEGAS, the meaning of Quality is to know the type of service required by our customers, exceeding their expectations in the shortest possible time, always complying with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements. By implementing an Integrated Management System according to UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015, UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 and RD 750/2010, BEGAS aims to enhance the participation customers, suppliers…or in other words, all the stakeholders, especially its employees. The way to get it is by making them aware of the importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of the objectives of Quality and environment, and also to control the risks and opportunities in our organization. Consistent with the responsibility assumed provide the necessary resources and awareness activities required for compliance with this policy and applicable requirements. Under this Policy, we establish Quality and Environmental Objectives at all levels following the contextualization of our organization, monitoring the degree of compliance so that we can measure our improvement. BEGAS Management periodically reviews the Integrated Management System to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness. This review evaluates the opportunities for continuous improvement of the system and process controland exposes the need to make changes in the integrated management system, in the Quality and Environmental Policy or Objectives and in the need to provide new services, if the market so requires, always complying with the legal requirements in terms of quality and environment. Last review: 20/05/2020